Basic Task Management Project(node js)

In this post we are going to make a small beginner friendly project that is task management with node js readline-sync library.

The readline-sync library is commonly used in Node.js for synchronous reading of user input from the command line. It provides a simple way to interact with the user by waiting for their input and returning it to your program. This is especially useful for command-line interfaces (CLI) where you need to prompt the user for information.

for this project you will have to know about loop,switch case, arrays and basics of function(input / output ans calling)

Steps 1 . Make a Database

Steps 2 . Create a function for taking input from user

Steps 2.1 . function like addTask, ViewTask, updateTask and deleteTask.

Step 3 . Make a switch case for user choice.

The readline-sync library provides several methods for synchronous input in a command-line interface. Here are some of the commonly used methods:

readline.question(prompt): Asks the user a question, displaying the provided prompt. It returns the user's input as a string.

const readline = require('readline-sync');
const userInput = readline.question('Enter something: ');
console.log(`You entered: ${userInput}`);

readline.questionInt(prompt): Similar to readline.question, but specifically converts the user's input to an integer.

const readline = require('readline-sync');
const userNumber = readline.questionInt('Enter a number: ');
console.log(`You entered: ${userNumber}`);
const readline = require('readline-sync');

// database
let tasks =[];

// taking user input
addTask = ()=>{
 const task = readline.question('Enter the task ');
 console.log(" ")
 console.log('Task is added Successfully!');

// funtion to view the task;
viewTsak = () =>{
    if(tasks.length === 0){
      console.log("No tak is found ");
      console.log(" ")
      console.log("Number of Tasks ");
      console.log(" ")
        console.log(`${index + 1}. ${task}`);

// Funciton to update task 
updateTask = ()=>{

  const index = readline.questionInt("Enter the task Number to update ")
  if(index>= 1 && index <= tasks.length){
      const updatedTask = readline.question("Enter the updated Task: ");
      tasks[index-1] = updatedTask;

      console.log("Tak is updated Succefully! ");
    console.log("Invalid Task");

// funciton to delete the task 

deleteTask = () =>{
  const index = readline.questionInt("Ente the Task Number to delete: ")

  if(index>= 1 && index<= tasks.length){
    tasks.slice(index -1,1);
//  index - 1 is used as the starting index to delete the task
// The second parameter, 1, specifies that we want to remove only one element at the specified index. 

console.log("Task is deleted Successfully");       
    console.log("Invalid Task Number ");

// main function

main =()=>{

  let exit = false;
    console.log("\nTask Management Application");
    console.log("1. Add Task")
    console.log("2. View Task")
    console.log("3. Update Task")
    console.log("4. Delete Task")
    console.log('5. Exit');
    console.log(" ")
    const choice = readline.questionInt("Enter the choice ")

      case 1:

      case 2:

      case 3:

      case 4:

      case 5:
        exit = true;
        console.log("Invalid choce. Please try agin ")

// Start the application 

The slice method in JavaScript doesn't modify the original array in place; instead, it returns a new array containing the selected elements.

index - 1: This is the starting index in the array from which elements will be removed. In JavaScript arrays, indices start from 0. Since the user is likely providing a task number starting from 1, we subtract 1 to get the correct array index.

: This is the number of elements to remove from the array starting at the specified index. In this case, it's set to 1, meaning it will remove one element.

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